

Hi there! We care about your privacy when you use minomemes.online Here’s a simple guide on how we handle your info:

1. What We Collect:

  • We may ask for your name and email when you sign up or contact us.

2. How We Use Your Info:

  • We use your details to let you download memes, make our site better, and send you updates if you want.

3. Cookies:

  • We might use cookies to see how you use our site. You can change your settings but it might affect the site.

4. Keeping Your Info Safe:

  • We do our best, but no website can guarantee total security.

5. Links to Other Sites:

  • If we link to other sites, we’re not in charge of their privacy. Check their rules.

6. Kids’ Privacy:

  • Our site is for folks 13 and up. We don’t collect info from younger kids.

7. Changes to Rules:

  • If we change how we handle info, we’ll tell you. If you keep using minomemes.online, it means you’re okay with the changes.

8. Questions?

  • Got questions? Email us at mimomemes8@gmail.com

Thanks for trusting us with your privacy on minomemes.online